A lesson from David | Part 3

This is Part 3 in a lesson from David as it pertains to anxiety. Part 2 is here

1 Samuel 17

We saw how David stepped up to the plate and brought a godly perspective to the battle. You may wonder, “Well this was David – God had His eye on Him to be the greatest King of Israel! So he already had favour anyway. David did not have my problems. I’m no David!”

Well, David often faced his own trials that prepared him for this very victory. Life wasn’t always sweet and chilled in those rolling green hills. He was the youngest of his brothers which made him almost ‘insignificant’. In verse 33 Saul tells David he’s too young to face and fight such a battle, and David explains that while tending sheep he had to fight off and kill bears and lions to protect the sheep and lambs. David was approximately 15 years old when he fought Goliath, so God had been preparing him all his little life to fight this battle! This is how God usually works. He wants us to be faithful at the point where we are- be faithful just a little, and He will use it to accomplish greater things for you. If David hid away in fear from the lion and bear, he would never have been ready to fight Goliath. God was with him against the bear and lion, and with him against Goliath. Just like He will be with you through all your trials and worries of the day – if you trust in Him to handle them for you.
Saul then relents and gives David his armour to wear, but it was so heavy and big that he couldn’t walk with them, “David said to Saul, “I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them.” (v39)
This I find very important, especially when it comes to my story. I placed my experience of healing from hypochondria on my blog in the hopes that it will help others and to bring God glory. I truly believe God drew you to my story because He wanted to put us in touch and that He wants to help you and set you free.
At the same time, God does not want us to wear other peoples’ armour. Saul’s armour did not fit David, spiritually or physically, so he took it off. Try not to fight this battle using other armour. To think about how God helped me is great, because when you draw from others’ experiences you tap into the anointing yourself! As we are one body in Christ, then my story is actually your story too! God sees it as one!

But make your experience your own. I can’t tell you why I was healed in only 4 days by only declaring that God will fight the battle for me- God works differently with different people. By you believing that God will fight this battle for you is scriptural, but is it fitting you? Is doing it my way necessarily your good fit? Sometimes God fights the battle we are in, and sometimes He directs us what to do to see victory. My decision after reading about Jehoshaphat’s battle felt like the Holy Spirit placed it on my lap saying “here’s your answer”. I had supernatural faith that this was how I had to pray, I knew deep within me. This is what you need to find for yourself as well!

When David got rid of Saul’s armour it was a spiritual principle because David was then relying on God’s armour alone. He knew that God would win that battle. With anxiety we always play it safe by wearing different kinds of armour (we pray as well as listen to doctors’ reassurances, own human reasoning etc.) but God wants us to trust in Him alone. Never forget my story because it will bring hope. But be watchful that you don’t start relying on Caddie’s “method” only instead of purely relying on God and what He has for you! He wants to show you how.


The Bible says that ‘hope deferred makes the heart sick’ (Prov 13:12). All throughout the Old Testament God would always remind Israel what He had done for them in the past and it hit home. And we saw David recall how God helped him in the past. There is something that stirs the spirit when we recall what God has done for us.
Recall and write down all the good things God has done for you the past few months, as small as it may be. You will begin to tap into the strength and life of what He did for you in the past.

How can you be faithful by giving God all your concerns for the day?

What armour are you wearing? One I can think of is Googling symptoms! Think of any armour you may be using that is not God Himself. (Basically anything you are relying on to bring you temporary peace). How can you take off that armour and wear Jesus instead?

Are there times when you use David’s words about God’s armour “I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them”?
Think of times you may think that relying on God is “wishy-washy”. Dig deep and think of why you may think He’s not powerful enough to help you alone.

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. I will praise You forever, because You have done it; and in the presence of Your saints I will wait on Your name, for it is good.
Psalm 52:8-9

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

1 thought on “A lesson from David | Part 3

  1. Pingback: A lesson from David – Part 4 | Make It Glad

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